
Come and worship with us. We are always happy to welcome visitors, newcomers and people from any denomination.

St James Church

We share our priest with St Ternan’s Church, Muchalls. On alternate Sundays, when no priest is present, we use the Reserved Sacrament booklet. Otherwise we follow the Scottish Liturgy 1982 blue service booklet.

There is an introit hymn of welcome followed by a short time of intermingling to meet and share with one another the Peace of Christ and then the service continues according to the booklet words.

Having joined in faith affirmation and prayers of intercession, the Eucharist [Holy Communion] is then celebrated and offered. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion should you choose to do so. If you prefer you may come forward simply for a blessing from the priest/celebrant. All children are welcome to come for a blessing.


For further details please leave a message on 01569 764473 or contact us.